Pain & Triggers
Emotional pain can color our perspectives, influence our impulses, and perpetuate our problems.
Emotional pain can create misery where none exists, create discord where none is present, and create insecurities where none were previously found.
Emotional pain can also affect an employee’s ability to not only be present for the job at hand, but it can affect their ability to perform at their best, take on new opportunities, attract new customers and retain existing ones, be innovative and solution-oriented, and excel in some or all areas of life.
Most people consider emotional pain to be heartbreak. But emotional pain is actually quite an extensive body of experiences and memories that affect how we process our current feelings, experiences, emotions, and opportunities. For example, someone who carries an unresolved emotional wound from childhood where they feel that their voice was never heard, may feel unable, as an adult, to speak up in team meetings, take initiative on certain tasks, voice their opinions, or lead a group of people to greatness. A person who carries an unresolved emotional wound that made them feel like their parents didn’t love them or believe in them, may not make their quotas, they may not have strong goals or dreams for themselves, they may struggle with taking on responsibility for themselves or others, or they may have an inability to pull their weight on the team.
The way emotional pain shows up is so varied for each person, but the one thing that’s constant among all people: if there’s something, within a person’s control, that they want to experience or accomplish but they can’t seem to (for any reason), there’s always some level of unresolved emotional pain that is blocking it. Some people will argue that it’s the mindset that prevents progress, and we absolutely agree that the mindset is a component. However, we also add that a person’s mindset is often determined, in part, by their emotional pain (conscious and subconscious) and/or emotional health.
In much of our work at Culture Consulting Solutions™, we are giving employees the tools to self-identify and resolve the unresolved and/or unwanted emotional pain that’s blocking them — so that they can clear their pathway to personal growth, professional success, and greatness almost instantaneously. It is essential for the growth oriented person to learn how to do this so that they can become a master of themselves, their perspectives, their feelings, and their experiences.
At Culture Consulting Solutions™, we believe that one of the most important things we can do is give people the knowledge, wisdom, tools, and strategies that are needed so that they can learn how to manage their own experiences of life and their own experiences of pain — so that they can cause the effect they wish to see in their own lives — without the need to depend on others.
In the title of this piece, we called pain a deceiver and a superpower. When a person is unaware of the presence of pain, and how the subconscious pain negatively impacts their experiences and initiatives, then the pain works like a great deceiver, coloring and clouding one’s perception and judgment.
When Christina is working with people one-on-one or in her workshops or group events, she gives many examples about how pain distorts our understanding of situations and reality. In doing this, she also helps people to identify the ways they have allowed their own pain to dictate their perceptions and their experiences, including their limited beliefs about themselves, their life, their company, their colleagues, their partners, and perhaps even the world. Christina also then gives people the tools and strategies that are required in order to turn the same pain that was destructive into a kind of pain that’s empowering — one that becomes a superpower.
When we can look at pain as being a superpower — a force that’s showing us an area where we’re ready to grow — then we have the chance to take back from the pain the power we once gave to it to negatively impact our feelings, experiences, perceptions, and present moments. And once we can take back our power, we have the opportunity to reconnect with our own innate intelligence and creativity, which allows us to bring down the blocks that prevented us from healing, growing, and showing up in our best form for ourselves, our families, our workplace, our community, and our world. This is why we call pain a superpower; it can show us the places where we are wounded and ready to heal, grow, and prosper.
If you’re interested in having Culture Consulting Solutions™ partner with your employees or your organization to bring insight to them about the power of pain and the tools to remove it, we would love to partner with you. Simply reach out to us today to discuss.
The reality is this: All the issues in our places of business, all the issues in our homes, all the issues in society, and all the issues in the world are all because of misunderstandings of pain, defense strategies created because of pain, and erroneous projections of pain. One of our greatest goals at Culture Consulting Solutions is to give people, across the globe, the knowledge, wisdom, tools, and strategies they need to identify pain, remove pain, and move on to living the life of their dreams — causing the effect they want to see in their professional lives, personal lives, and in the world. For this is how we cause peace, creativity, and prosperity in everyone and everything.